Supported Hospitals

Amana Hospital (Mother and child unit)

Amana Hospital serves a population of 637,573, and sees 700-1000 patients a day for outpatients; It is the only main hospital which serves in Ilala Municipal ( one of the three municipals of Dar Es salaam City). There is a special requirement need to organize, efficiently and effectively information in the department of Mother and Children unit in this Hospital.

Computer based patient records have long been as a goal of health care informatics, but the reality has proved elusive. The requirement is easily stated:

To provide the right information, to the right person, at the right place, at the right time, efficiently and safely for the proper database. By estimate more than 30% of hospital staff time is spent collecting data and using information, yet the quality of data being collected is a cause of concern.

Infectious Disease Centre Hospital (IDC)

This is the only specialized ASRH site in Dar es salaam among 56 existing public health delivery point in the country. The centre had never had computer before despite its importance and potentiality to serve the public in particular to young population suffering STDs and the community at large with infectious diseases.