It is finished

After many exchanges with the supplier and tests, we decided on a Dell monitor. All the hardware (monitor, keyboards and mice) was delivered and installed in the meantime. This was done quite quickly with the help of the 10-hands team – as was the installation and backup. The BIOS of some computers had been changed and no longer booted from the server – so this had to be corrected. All that’s left now is to check each individual computer again to make sure that all the installations are complete – then we’re done.

To pay the bill for the hardware, Michael Sr. went to his bank with Dan (supplier) and wanted to pay the money for the bill into his account using a debit card. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. In Kenya, most people pay either in cash or with MPensa (with a phone bill). So the priory in Karen has to transfer the amount and receives the balance on the EURO account from Germany.

While people in Germany are turning up the heating again because it has become cold and it is even snowing in the Alps, temperatures in Nairobi are around 25 degrees. However, there is also the typical April weather here, from strong sunshine to thunderstorms with torrential rain and flooding. Which made the already chaotic roads even worse. This also means that the power suddenly goes out and with it the internet. In any case, we hope to catch our plane home on Sunday in time to land safely in Zurich on Monday morning and then take the train to Constance. While Michael Sr. will be able to lie on his ear, Junior still has to drive his car to Teningen.

The project can therefore be regarded as having been completed with the support of the Linux4Afrika team for several years