An era has finished

An era has finished. We dissolved our club „Freiburger Open Source Netzwerk e. V.“, short Freioss e.V.. Through that, our project „Linux4Afrika“ ends, too. This was recently our only activity. On a private basis, we – four left overs – will support the project for some time and as far as necessary.

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It is finished

After many exchanges with the supplier and tests, we decided on a Dell monitor. All the hardware (monitor, keyboards and mice) was delivered and installed in the meantime. This was done quite quickly with the help of the 10-hands team – as was the installation and backup. The BIOS of some computers had been changed and no longer booted from […]

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Things are moving fast

After checking the network and installing the new server disks, we were able to start installing the software on the clients. However, we discovered that the BIOS of some of the computers had been changed and the device could no longer be booted from the network. So that had to be fixed. But then, with a few exceptions, the installation […]

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